i usually use the first method you described; a global var maintained by 
2 functions, start and stop.
the other way is too complicated imo :)

AdamV wrote:
> I'm writing an AJAXy application and when I start doing an ajax call,
> I want to block the UI and show a loading graphic until the loading is
> done. For various reasons, a number of different functions might
> initiate a load and a number might signal its end, and in a particular
> sequence two such functions might be called during one "ajax load"
> event.
> As I was thinking about opimizing JavaScript anyways, I figured I see
> if anyone has any thoughts about optimizing the general situation
> where you have a "start" function that might be called once its
> started and a "stop" function that might be called when nothing is
> currently running.
> The trivial way to write this would be:
> var running=false;
> function do_start() {
>   if (running) return;
>   running = true;
>   // Do stuff;
> }
> function do_stop() {
>   if(!running) return;
>   running = false;
>   // Do stuff;
> }
> However, the following would also work:
> function nullFunct() {};
> function startFunct() {
>   // Do Stuf;
>   do_stop = stopFunct;
>   do_start = nullFunct;
> }
> function stopFunct() {
>   // Do Stuf;
>   do_stop = nullFunct;
>   do_start = startFunct;
> }
> var do_start = startFunct, do_stop=nullFunct;
> Does anyone have any thoughts about taking either approach? I would
> suspect that the later approach gets more useful as the test for
> "should we allow stuff to happen here" gets ore complicated than I've
> shown.
> Adam

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