$(obj).siblings('p:last') should give the same results. Remember that
you can access the id via obj.id directly. Here are two possible
rewrites: http://snipt.org/mHj

On Sep 4, 7:22 am, varlo <va...@ukr.net> wrote:
> Has anyone now how to simplify the following expression by avoiding
> using attr("id")
> alert($("#"+$(obj).attr("id")+"~p:last").attr("id"));
> I need this because not every image could have an id.
> <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript">
>     function ExpandCollapseOnLeftPanel(obj) {
>         if ($(obj).attr("src") == "/Content/Images/arrow_bot.gif") { //
> expand
>             $(obj).attr("src", "/Content/Images/arrow_side.gif");
>             $("#" + $(obj).attr("id") + "~p:last").css("display",
> "block");
>         }
>         else //collapse
>         {
>             $(obj).attr("src", "/Content/Images/arrow_bot.gif");
>             $("#" + $(obj).attr("id") + "~p:last").css("display",
> "none");
>         }
>     }
> </script>
> <div class="blok">
>     <img id="iTA" src="/Content/Images/arrow_bot.gif" alt=" "
> class="l_ar" onclick="ExpandCollapseOnLeftPanel(this)" />
>     <p id="p1">
>         Tracking activities
>     </p>
>     <p style="display:none">
>         <a href="#">home</a><br />
>         movie...@lucy,@Bob(3)<br />
>         @Canlis table for 2 at ..(1)<br />
>     </p>
> </div>

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