I still have the problem and been messing with the code to try and get
a fix to it.

I wonder if I can use a if statement  on events  something like   if
mouse is over image  then appear a menu else if  mouse is over menu
keep menu showing else if mouse is not over the image or menu then
fade out else menu hide.

I want something like this. DO you think it's possible to use jquery
functions in this way??

On Dec 29 2008, 12:43 pm, Aaron <shyhockey...@aol.com> wrote:
> HI, I am making a website kinda like a social networkng site.
> I am trying to make  a hover effect when the mouse is over the users
> image I want to pop up a image menu like upload image and edit image
> etc.
> I so far do have the codes working. The problem I face is... when the
> user puts the mouse over his image a menu pops up not into a new
> window but like a image is viewable which is supposed to happen.
> So  if your mouse dosen't go over the image meaning the new popup menu
> then the menu stays at that position until your mouse goes over the
> image and back out it would fade out the menu.
> What I want  is to have a menu to fade out when the mouse is either
> off the image or off the menu so then the menu would fade out.
> So in my code so far I was able to fade in the menu when the mouse is
> on the user image. But in order to fade out the menu you will have to
> put your mouse on the menu and then make the mouse go off the menu and
> it would fade out. If you had your mouse on the user image and slide
> the mouse off the user image no fade out effect will happen to the
> menu.
> Hope this explains what I want.  Which is to have a fade out effect on
> 2 events  I wounder if I should use  a IF statement.
> I want to fade out only if  the mouse is not on either the user image
> or the menu itself.

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