I believe you can use $('.Attention .Close').index(this);

But if you are trying to retrieve to object you could ...

$('.Attention .Close').click(function(){
    alert $(this);

I might be wrong though :)

On May 28, 1:49 pm, mtest <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello again:)
> My qгestion is:
> I have several "attention" block:
> <div class="Attention">...</div>
> And there are button close in this blocks
> How I can get number, in which "attention" block clicked on the
> button?
> $('.Attention .Close').bind("click", function(){
>      alert($(this).eq());
> });
> How I can get numper of [position in eq() ???
> Please, need a help
> Thank you allways :)

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