++ 'It's awfully hard to troubleshoot a code snippet without seeing
actual error in a live running page.'++

You did good. I added the 'var' and IE is playing nicely now. Thank
you for taking the time.

On Nov 26, 10:16 pm, Michael Geary <> wrote:
> The first thing that caught my eye looking at your code is the missing "var"
> on this line:
>                lg_pic = $(this).siblings('.lg_pic_name').html();
> Surely you don't want to be creating a global variable here? It should be:
>                var lg_pic = $(this).siblings('.lg_pic_name').html();
> It's even possible that this will fix your problem. Do you have an element
> in your page with id="lg_pic"? If so, this will fix it.
> For every element ID in your page, IE creates a *read-only* property on the
> window object with that name. So if you have an element with id="lg_pic",
> then there is a window.lg_pic property that is read-only. When you try to
> store a value into that property it will fail.
> If that doesn't turn out to be it, can you please post a link to a test
> page? It's awfully hard to troubleshoot a code snippet without seeing the
> actual error in a live running page.
> -Mike
> On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 12:47 PM, Getzel <> wrote:
> > BH
> > I created a slider of thumbnail images. I write the image filepaths
> > directly into the HTML using PHP, so instead of using expandos I
> > placed a hidden div after each image containing the file name of the
> > large version to be shown onclick. Works fine in FF and Chrome. IE
> > stops at the first line in the function, at .siblings(). It throws an
> > error saying 'Object does not support this property or method.'
> > $('.pic_listing img').click(function(){
> >                // Set the a variable with large image associated with
> > the thumb
> >                lg_pic = $(this).siblings('.lg_pic_name').html();
> >                // If it is not currently displayed
> >                if($('#lg_pic_src').attr('src') != path+lg_pic){
> >                        //Hide Old Image
> >                        $('#lg_pic_src').css('display','none');
> >                        //Replace it
> >                        $('#lg_pic_src').attr('src',path+lg_pic);
> >                        // Display Loader img
> >                        $('#loader').css('z-index',1);
> >                        // Once its loaded, Hide Loader and FadeIn the
> > new image
> >                            $('#lg_pic_src').load(function () {
> >                                        $('#loader').css('z-index',-1);
> >                                        $('#lg_pic_src').fadeIn();
> >                            });
> >                }
> > });
> > Anyone have any thoughts as to why IE would throw an error?
> > Other functions defined in the same file work fine.
> > Thanks,
> > Getzel

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