
jScrollPane is currently tested against jQuery 1.2.1 and it works fine. I just noticed there was some misleading information on the jScrollPane homepage which I've now updated to make it clear it uses 1.2.1...

Do you have an example URL where it is failing? If you can provide that I might be able to help you debug,


Kelvin :)

subra wrote:
When i combine JScrollPane and Jquery UI tabs , i have a exception
thrown saying Exception thrown but not caught.

   when i see the Problem i found the JQuery versions are different UI
Tabs is using 1.2.1 , but JscrollPane is using
(incompatibility) . Does Jscrollpane coming out with the newer version
using Jquery 1.2.1 , or does any one how to solve this problem.

 Thanks in Advance.

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