I don't understand the problem...
$(element.form).ajaxSubmit(); should do it.

On Apr 27, 10:05 pm, Haaf <dko...@quicknet.nl> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm using 
> themultifileuploadplugin(http://jquery-multifile-plugin.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/index.html#)
>  and I would like to be
> able touploadan image on file select. I.e. when a user selects a
> file from his computer the file is automatically uploaded (for preview
> purposes).
> What I'm trying to do is:
> ...
> <form id="user_image" action="update_image.php" method="post">
> <input type="file" id="T7" name="mypic" />
> </form
> ...
> <script>
> ...
> onFileSelect: function(element, value, master_element){
>   //send the form with jquery Formsplugin(http://malsup.com/jquery/
> form/#)},
> ...
> </script>
> But the Formspluginonly works when I send the form using a submit
> button.
> Is it possible what I'm trying to accomplish?
> If yes, could somebody help me please?

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