hosemaria wrote on 7/22/2008 12:45 PM:
My tests says that packed version is the slowest one up to 3-4 times.
 Why is that?

Resig explains it here:

When distributing a piece of JavaScript code it's traditional to think that the 
smallest (byte-size) code will download and load the fastest. This is not true 
- and is a fascinating result of this survey. Looking at the speed of loading 
jQuery in three forms: normal, minified (using Yahoo Min), and packed (using 
Packer). By order of file size, packed is the smallest, then minifed, then 
normal. However, the packed version has an overhead: It must be uncompressed, 
on the client-side, using a JavaScript decompression algorithm. This unpacking 
has a tangible cost in load time. This means, in the end, that using a minifed 
version of the code is much faster than the packed one - even though its file 
size is quite larger.


What is the reason to use packed version? At JQuery main site they
say Packed version is Great for production use.

You should use the minified version.  The only scenario I can think of to use 
the packed version is where the connection speed is so slow, the smaller size 
more than makes up for the lag in decompressing the packed version.

- Bil

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