Nice Tane!

Good to see your at it with yet another plugin.  Well done.


On May 17, 11:06 am, Tane Piper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hey folks,
> Just a quick update to let you all know that I've released a new version
> of my password strength meter plugin:
> This version has a lot of improvements over the last few versions, and
> now includes a method within the name space to add your own custom
> validation methods, like so:
> digitalspaghetti.password.addRule('twelvechar', function (word, score) {
>         return word.length >= 12 && score;
> }, 3, true);
> This would return true once the word is >= 12 chars, and returns a score
> of 3.  The final true makes sure the validation method is added to the
> list.  You can write any type of validation rule here you like, and even
> override existing ones.  This was inspired by Jorn's validation plugin,
> and the whole re-write was inspired by Doug Crockford's videos on YUI -
> I suggest anyone serious about JavaScript development to check them out.
> Any comments and feedback are welcome.
> ====================================
> Tane Piper
> Freelance Developer

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