
I have solve this issue by replacing ajaxStart by onclick event and
ajaxStart by complete:  ajax request but can not solve using ajaxStart
and ajaxStop
On Dec 22, 8:03 pm, bookme <rarockthewo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I am trying to solve ajaxStart and ajaxStop issue from last 3 days but
> can not solve...can somebody tellmewhat'smymistake here.
> I want to show a loader image for different DOM element ids on
> different ajax request. Problem is that when I am calling an ajax
> request on one form submission then not only it's corresponding but
> also other loader image is showing, while only one loader image must
> be show.
> Here ismycode:
> First Blockcode
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>  <script>
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $("form#submit").submit(function() {
>                 $.ajax({
>                         type: "POST",
>                         url: "test1.php",
>                         success: function(del){
>                                 $('div.success').fadeIn();
>                         }
>                 });
>                 jQuery('#id_fav_loading').ajaxStart(function() {
>        jQuery('#id_fav_loading').show();
>           }).ajaxStop   (function() {
>                 jQuery('#id_fav_loading').hide();;
>           });
>                 return false;
>         });});
> </script>
> <div class="container">
>         <form id="submit" method="post">
>                 <label for="lname">Client Last Name:</label>
>                 <input id="lname" class="text" name="lname" size="20" 
> type="text" /
>                         <button class="button positive"> <img 
> src="../images/icons/
> tick.png" alt="" /> Add Client </button>
>         </form>
>         <div style="display:none;" id="id_fav_loading">
>         <img src="loader.gif" />
>         </div>
>         <div class="success" style="display:none;">
>         Client has been added successfully.
>         </div>
> </div>
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Second blockcode
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> <script>
> $(document).ready(function(){
>         $("form#submit1").submit(function() {
>                 $.ajax({
>                         type: "POST",
>                         url: "test1.php",
>                         success: function(del){
>                                 $('div.success1').fadeIn();
>                                 }
>                         });
>                         jQuery('#id_fav_loading1').ajaxStart(function() {
>                 jQuery('#id_fav_loading1').show();
>                   }).ajaxStop   (function() {
>                         jQuery('#id_fav_loading1').hide();;
>                   });
>                         return false;
>         });});
> </script>
> <div class="container">
>         <form id="submit1" method="post">
>                 <label for="lname">Client Last Name:</label>
>                 <input id="lname" class="text" name="lname" size="20" 
> type="text" /
>                         <button class="button positive"> <img 
> src="../images/icons/
> tick.png" alt="" /> Add Server </button>
>         </form>
>         <div style="display:none;" id="id_fav_loading1">
>         <img src="loader.gif" />
>         </div>
>         <div class="success1" style="display:none;">
>         Server has been added successfully.
>         </div>
> </div>
> If I clicks on Add Client  then image for add client and add server is
> displaying while only add client block loader image must be display.
> Pleasehelpmeto come out this problem.
> Thanks

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