Hmm. I think you can't do that kind of 'sorting' with elements if you
don't want the content reloaded. Everytime you change an element's
position in the DOM it's actually being removed and inserted again,
not moved. You'll need to use the "simple drag" functionality, and
figure out a way of 'sorting' absolutely positioned stuff.

On Dec 23, 4:24 am, Chris Varenhorst <> wrote:
> See example at
> I'm using jQuery UI's sortable functionality.
> Try playing the youtube video, then click on the text "DRAG" to drag
> the elements around the youtube video, it continues to play fine.  But
> if you attempt to drag the video itself, it will reload the flash,
> causing it to lose whatever state it was in.
> Anyone have an idea on how to keep this from happening?  I'm working
> on an application where the flash object needs to hold its state while
> being dragged.
> example code in nicer format at
> Any insights would be appreciated!

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