I've made another pass at it.


For reference, you can see the original here:


I currently am facing two problems. One of them is general IE6
compatibility. I am at a loss as to why it's not working out there
right now - but the testing is interesting. It DOES manage to display
correctly at certain points in the hover. But I need help in
understanding what is happening under the hood - which classes are
being applies and why the menu fails over all. I think the problems
here are related to the changes I made in order to make the sub nav
level reach the full width of the nav bar - something you have to do
in order to make the menu useful. (see the original example and hit
the last menu item, and then try to reach one of it's sub items to see
why this is a problem)

Second problem is less apparent but equally devastating, and it's
happening basically with all other browsers - and I think might be
related to the IE 6 bug or the changes I needed to make to get the sub
nav to run full width.

The error can be experienced by activating one of the last two or
three menu items and then mousing into the sub nav. About every 3rd or
4th time after activating the sub menu for some reason the sub menu
reverts to the current menu. As if you have moused out of the area
altogether. Only you haven't. At least not visibly.

Any ideas or assistance would be greatly appreciated!

On Sep 7, 11:22 am, trackpad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks Joel.
> Here are two versions. One without the pathClass set...
> http://www.goodcompany.dk/tests/superfish/index.php
> And one with the pathClass set.
> http://www.goodcompany.dk/tests/superfish/index.php?pathClass=current
> Note that I am in the process of restructuring the CSS a bit, and have
> combined the two CSS files and have made some minor changes - but I
> have ruled out these as the cause by swapping in the original CSS
> periodically and running into the same problem.
> In fact you can see the example included with Superfish 1.4.8.
> behaving in the same way.
> I am testing in Mac Safari/FF and Win IE 6/7.
> http://www.goodcompany.dk/tests/superfish/original/example.html
> Sorry if I've overlooked the obvious (again).  I must have because I
> don't think you would include a non-working example in the download.
> Could it be it is intentional that you don't show the sub level marked
> as current until you mouseover the parent? Been working some very late
> nights recently, so maybe I missed the idea. In any case I need to
> display the current location (including the submenu) from the start.
> Also, I don't know if you take freelance or would be available to do
> some paid superfish consulting, but please get in touch with me if you
> do offer help along these lines. I have some more complex
> modifications in mind down the road. goodcompany [dot] dk [at] gmail -
> thanks.
> On Sep 6, 4:21 am, "Joel Birch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hello,
> > I can think of many possible causes of your problem. If you can show
> > us a working example I'm sure we can figure out which one applies to
> > your menu and offer a solution for it.
> > Joel Birch.

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