[jQuery] Re: Superfish current state

2008-04-20 Thread DRoss
Hey Joel, I added the code from Stan's site via the link in the other thread: http://stanlemon.net/index/articles/hiding-a-superfish-menu.html It is a little buggy like when roll over the main navs too fast they sometimes get stuck (the subnavs don't always appear as expected). The site using

[jQuery] Re: Superfish current state

2008-04-19 Thread DRoss
Hi Joel, So everything with the nav is fine except one small thing. I'd like that when the selected state comes back that when you roll off another subnav it fades out as well instead of kind of going away so quickly. Where can I play with the speed of that? For example, in my test page, 'About

[jQuery] Re: Superfish current state

2008-04-19 Thread Joel Birch
Hi David, Closing animations are not currently supported but efforts are being made into adding them. Please see this thread that is currently discussing this and also demonstrating the progress that is being made. http://groups.google.com/group/jquery-en/browse_thread/thread/7c316e978d574a5b

[jQuery] Re: Superfish current state

2008-04-15 Thread DRoss
Thanks for the help Joel...got it now.

[jQuery] Re: Superfish current state

2008-04-13 Thread Joel Birch
Hi David, Notice on the official horizontal example the nav class is on the parent ul element, and the CSS depends on it being that way. You are using an id instead - which is fine - except that you have it on a containing div element. Much of your CSS that should be targeting the parent ul (and