Hi BenI think the problem is off using position relative,

change in css

.menu li:hover
visibility:   inherit;


On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 3:16 AM, Ben <bccar...@gmail.com> wrote:

> In an ideal Superfish vertical menu setup, you match the width of the
> first <ul> with the offset of the second, so the menu appears directly
> to the right of the primary navigation. I'm looking to have that over-
> lap a little, and it's working fine in FF. In IE6 and IE7 the first
> submenu item appears on top of its parent, but each subsequent submenu
> item is layered beneath the primary navigation. I've tried playing
> with different positioning and z-index attributes, and maybe that's
> the solution, but I can't get it to work.
> Has anyone fixed this before? I've posted an example of my problem
> here:  http://ainsworthstudios.com/example/
> Help is much appreciated!

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