Hi Paul,

the tabs plugin does not set innerhtml to anything with all tabs being
unselected. You probably do not see the content because the tab panels
are all hidden via CSS.


On May 8, 4:32 pm, HelloGoodbye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello dear JQ community,
> I'm having some problems regarding the Tabs 3 Plugin:
> My page has a div container called "maincontent" which contains all
> the data except the navigation, footer, etc. I use this container to
> store content served by my phpscript and to load other content
> dynamically via AJAX.
> Let's say I request a page like index.php?action=showusers (as a HTTP
> GET request, NOT AJAX)
> Then "maincontent" should contain all the info about the users.
> However, I also integrated a navigation based on the Tabs 3 plugin.
> The div-container the tabs are assigned to is "maincontent".
>  Allthough all tabs are disabled at start, say:
> $('#nav > ul').tabs({selected:null});
> And my list looks like this:
> <ul><li>
> <a href="ajaxserver.php?action=getportalpage" id="0" class="catItem"
> title="#mainContent"><span>Main</span></a>
> </li>
> <li>
> <a href="ajaxserver.php?cat_id=1&action=getnews" id="1"
> class="catItem" title="#mainContent"><span>Cat 1</span></a>
> </li>
> <li>
> <a href="ajaxserver.php?cat_id=2&action=getnews" id="2"
> class="catItem" title="#mainContent"><span>Cat 2</span></a>
> </li>
> <li>
> <a href="ajaxserver.php?cat_id=7&action=getnews" id="7"
> class="catItem" title="#mainContent"><span>Cat 3</span></a>
> </li>
> <li>
> <a href="ajaxserver.php?cat_id=8&action=getnews" id="8"
> class="catItem" title="#mainContent"><span>Cat 4</span></a>
> </li>
> </ul>
> (It is obvious, that it works via ajax)
> maincontent's innerhtml is empty, because the tabs plugin hasn't got
> any tabs selected and therefore sets maincontent's innerhtml to
> nothing.
> However I want maincontent to keep its original html(e.g. the
> userlist) until the user has decided to move over to another category
> by switching to another tab.
> How can I preserve the original content, so it won't get overridden by
> the Tabs 3 plugin?
> Or can you give any other solutions?
> Thanks in regard
> Paul

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