Yes, you can "unhook"/unbind all events with .unbind() or just remove
the .click() with .unbind("click").
See here:

On 11 Okt., 14:41, XeroXer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am making a effect that when you click a image the large image is
> opened in a absolute positioned div above everything else.
> Then a close link is created at the top of the page an clicking that
> will close the image again.
> The problem I am having is that people can click another image while
> the show animation is running and therefore display two divs and
> destroying the effect.
> If I have something like this:
> $(".openAnimation").click(function () {
>    alert("clicked the link");
>    $("body").append("<a href='#' id='closeThis'>[close]</a>");
>    $("#closeThis").click(clickedClose);
>    return false;
> });
> Can I remove the click hook or just set it to this:
> $(".openAnimation").click(function () {
>    alert("nothing will happen");
>    return false;
> });
> Because if I do it now and click a link I will get both alerts.
> So my question is that is it possible to remove all hooked functions
> for $(".openAnimation") with a command?

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