You can download jQuery from SVN and build your own copy. If you were
to open the Makefile that's included with jQuery you'd see a list of
files that are to be included in jQuery directly - you can then remove
the Ajax and FX modules and build a new copy. I realize that this is
convoluted, and we're working on a better way - but at least it's
something for now.


On 7/5/07, climbingrose <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi all,

I've been moving from Prototype to jQuery and absolutely love it.
Thanks a lot for all the excellent work guys!

I just want to ask if I can build my custom jQuery js file for my
specific need just like how mootools allow developer to select and
download certain modules. I know that jQuery size is already very
small but it is still quite large in my current project (The size of
everything after being gzipped is around 8kb). I just need to use
jQuery's selector and element/css manipulation function so I don't
want to include other features in the js file. Any idea?


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