$myCollection = $myCollection.not( $myElem );


On Dec 10, 2007 12:00 PM, George <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Bit of a brain block today, maybe I'm being daft but...
> How do we remove the element referenced by $myElem from a list of
> elements in $myElements ?
> Scenario: We have one element in a variable named $myElem (a jQuery
> array of one element).  This element may also exist in another
> variable named $myElements (a jQuery array of several elements).
> I cannot use $myCollection.remove(...) because that would remove the
> element from the DOM too.
> I can only think of using $myElements = $myElements .not("#" +
> $myElem.attr("id") ) but that seems very un-jQuery like.
> Many thanks,
> George

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