I'm not familiar with mootools so I'm not going to compare them.
But the code you shown is not using any jQuery function, they're a just
plain js object. Moreover, the code is not working. It can be rewritten it

function ajax_request(options)
   this.ajax_options =
       test: 'test'

   this.test= function()
var test = new ajax_request();

JQuery does not provides any base class for creating object, just $.extend()
for object inheritance (correct me if I'm wrong).

Best Regards,
網絡暴民 http://jacky.seezone.net

> I have tried to post this on jQuery mailing list/forums system but it
> is not posting for whatever reason so maybe some people who have used
> either or both can help me out
> I have been working with mootools for a bit the past few months and
> started to take a look at jQuery too see what the hype is all about
> from what i have heard from a co-worker.  From what i see, jQuery does
> not offer anything that mootools does not.  I mean jQuery does have
> $().click
> and i don't believe Mootools has anything like that, they just have
> the:
> $().addEvent('click', function(){});
> However this is just a shortcut and not a major thing.  On thing that
> jQuery has is that there are far more scripts however this is just to
> the fact that jQuery has been around longer than mootools.  However on
> the other hand mootools has is a very nice way to create new classes.
> All i have to do is:
> http://www.apex-wowguild.com/dev/javascript/ajax.js
> Now I have been told that  jQuery tries to do things more like the OO
> method.  Well to me the basically thing about OO is being able to
> combine members(variables) and methods(functions) into a common
> place(class/object).  I have tried creating a simple class with jQuery
> and it does not work(this code if based off what i was told from these
> forums):
> var ajax_request = function(options)
> {
>     ajax_options =
>     {
>         test: 'test'
>     };
>     test = function()
>     {
>         alert(this.test);
>     }
> }
> var test = new ajax_request();
> test.test();
> and this code tells me that test() is not a function of test.  It
> seems that jQuery wants you to incorporate everything into the $()
> selector which does not make sense of everything.  Being able create
> separate object is something that is important to me and jQuery does
> not seem to support that.
> Another thing that that jQuery says is that is it so small.  Well
> comparing the full version of mootools(all options selected) to the
> full version of jQuery is unfair.  In order to get allt he features of
> full mootools you would have to add jQuery interface script and
> comparing mootools to jQuery&Interface script, mootools is still
> smaller.
> So why should someone choose jQuery over Mootools or is it really just
> a preference thing and and both are basically the same(i see a lot
> about jQuery vs prototype but not alot about jQuery vs mootools)

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