I just checked this out in ff and if you go 'next', it works, but if
you click 'prev' and keep going backwards, you'll notice that you will
have slides 1, 2, 1, 8, 7, 6, ....
So clicking on either button does the adding of additional images, but
they are only available after you clicked, hence if you go backwards,
you jump to the 2nd image instead of 8. You can also observe this in
html view of firebug.
Actually this is quite obvious, since the option 'before' runs just
before it reacts to your click, so the new images (added with
addSlide) are not available until that point!

I have the same problem trying to have my own pager, only 2 imgs
within the html, and the rest added via js. On first interaction only
the initial 2 can be interacted with...

Hope it will be fixed soon! :)


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