On Thu, May 1, 2008 at 1:11 AM, Jeff Friesen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been working with the addSlideFn.  I love the idea, but I am
> having some problems implementing it.  I have some ideas for improving
> it, but first here is what I ran into:
> I got addSlideFn to work in a somewhat simple case. Then I was having
> problems though when I tried to set a delay.  The newly loaded slides
> would "interrupt" the ongoing slideshow.  I also used a nowrap option,
> and depending on the timing the slideshow would end before the new
> slides were added and loaded to the DOM.  Since load times over the
> internet vary, I don't know how robust that is.
> I tried to decouple the addSlideFn from the slideshow (not using
> onBefore) so that I cold load all of the new slides before starting
> the slideshow (using a delay), but I couldn't (addSlideFn not a
> function..).
> Also, I tried to just use only one slide in the html, and add all of
> the others through javascript. I got an error saying I only had one
> slide in my slideshow.  One way to hide all other slides if javascript
> is disabled or during loading is to make sure overflow:hidden; is set
> in the parent container.
> Here is what I think is the ideal way to load a complex, progressively
> enhanced slideshow (please pitch in other ideas!)
> - only one silde element in the html
> - create a setTimeout function that would wait until the DOM and page
> elements are loaded.  Could be just a simple timer or it could check
> to see if all of the page elements are loaded.  Once loaded or timer
> finishes, slide markup is added to the DOM and the media is loaded
> - when the slides added to the DOM and loaded, trigger the slideshow
> I like this solution because:
> 1. It allows you to present content after the clunky page loading
> process happens (if you have a heavy page)
> 2. It could potentially speed up perceived page load because it is
> loading heavy images in the background after all other page elements
> are loaded
> 3.  It would be a simple configuration (for us, maybe not Mike or
> whoever is doing the coding!)
> 4.  It follows progressive enhancement - if no javascript, then only
> one slide loads
> 5.  Could potentially allow all of the javascript (jQuery, plugin, and
> configuration) at the bottom of the page, which could also speed up
> perceived load times. (I have been reading a lot about the speed
> optimization work Yahoo is doing and using the yslow tool).
> This might even be possible with the current implementation of cycle
> but I don't know how to do it.  Any ideas?
> thanks

Thanks for the feedback, Jeff.  I think the following demos should
help you work through these issues:




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