Hi Wizzud,

Figured it out.  Two things:

1) I screwed up fixEvent() when I copied its logic from jQuery, the

  var e = document.documentElement

overrode the event variable.  But that bugger simple got me lost in
finding the real problem.

2)  jQuery selector hover binding vs direct mouse events in tags.

I have a few test suites and I didn't realize the different with the
ones using a jQuery hover bind vs a direct onMouseOver/Out event
setting.  Maybe you can give me some tips here.

For my new "wcTipster" plugin, its original and main purpose was to
create a single hover handler to handle a large load requirement, 400+
<a> tags in a tree that binds slow with jQuery. FF is fast, but IE is
terrible here.

So for this setup, the plugin function is basically this:

function wcTipsters(fnShow,fnHide) {
   var ready = false;
   this.start = function() { ready = true; }

   this.handleHover = function(ob,e) {
       if (!this.ready) return;
       if (e.type == "mouseover") fnShow.apply(ob,[e]);
       if (e.type == "mouseout") fnHide.apply(ob,[e]);

and to implement it with a server-side created page with 400+
elements,  I do:

  <script type='text/javascript'>
    $(window).load(function() {
    // expose wctipster instance for the A tag mouse events
    var wctipster = new wcTipster();

and the body will have 400+ tags with the direct events assigned:

   <a href="...."  class="wcpreview"

To allow for smaller loads where speed isn't an issue,  I made
wcTipster a jQuery plugin like so:

// This provides a jQuery wrapper plugin for wcTipster

(function($) {
   $.fn.wcTipster = function(f,g) {
    var tip = new wcTipster(f,g);
    this.bind("mouseover",function(ev) { tip.handleHover(this,ev);})
    this.bind("mouseout", function(ev) { tip.handleHover(this,ev);});
    return this;

and implement it in smaller load pages:

<script type='text/javascript'>
  $(window).load(function() {

The problem was that my fnShow() callback was designed to use
event.pageX/Y and they were only available when the jQuery did the
hover binding.

With the direct mouse event, this jQuery event fix up action was

So to resolve it, I changed this.handleOver() to fix up the event:

   this.handleHover = function(ob,e) {
        e = fixEvent(e);

Phew!   So this resolves it for IE when I'm using rthe direct mouse
tag events.  The typo just throw me off :-)

Thanks for your interest to help out.


On Oct 13, 5:24 am, Wizzud <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Can you make a test page available that demontrates this problem?
> And what version of IE has the problem?
> On Oct 13, 6:47 am, Pops <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I am not sure how I missed this early in my plugin development, but I
> > see it now.
> > For my new hover plugin, I noticed jQuery was extending the event
> > structure with extra mouse information such as:
> >    event.pageY and event.pageX
> > and that this extended event is passed to my show and hide handlers.
> > Well, to make a story short, after working out my plugin logic for
> > screen and viewport dimensions, compensating for scrolls, etc, testing
> > it under IE,  I see that the event pass to me show handler does not
> > have the extended information.
> > In other words, in my function callback:
> > function handleShow(e)
> > {
> >    var mX = e.pageX;
> >    var mY = e.pageY;
> >    ...
> > }
> > Under IE, the mouse X/Y variables are undefined.
> > To fix it, I had to copy some "fix" method logic in jQuery that checks
> > and sets the event.pageX/Y properties, like so:
> > function fixEvent(e)
> > {
> >    // Calculate pageX/Y if missing and clientX/Y available
> >    // note: IE seems to be the only one that needs this because
> >    //       jQuery will add it for others. Don't know why not
> >    //       for IE.
> >    if ( e.pageX == null && e.clientX != null ) {
> >       var e = document.documentElement, b = document.body;
> >       e.pageX = e.clientX + (e && e.scrollLeft || b.scrollLeft || 0);
> >       e.pageY = e.clientY + (e && e.scrollTop || b.scrollTop || 0);
> >    }
> >    return e;
> > }
> > function handleShow(e)
> > {
> >    e = fixEvent(e)
> >    var mX = e.pageX;
> >    var mY = e.pageY;
> >    ...
> > }
> > Again, I don't know how I missed this early on because I was testing
> > IE and FF as I was doing my work.   But in the final analysis,  this
> > is the behavior I am seeing under IE only.
> > Why would jQuery not set the extended event info with IE?
> > Thanks in advance.
> > --
> > HLS

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