Well, I have tried with real ie6 under windows XP and I get the same
error. It seems the script is not executed. Could it be a jquery bug ?

On 14 juil, 14:32, Olivier <the.fuz...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm usinggetScriptto load a script which basically contains a
> variable, and then i'm using this variable in the callback function.
> It looks like that :
> $.getScript( myScriptURL, function() {
>         // execute this code on success
>         $("div#result").html(myVar.content);
> });
> and, the script i am loading (@ myScriptURL) is simply :
> var myVar = {
>         content: '<img src="http://awebsite.com/foo.jpg"; />'
> };
> It works fineunderFF, Opera and Safari, but it doesn't workunder
> ie6.
> I get this error : "myVar is undefined" at the line which corresponds
> to $("div#result").html(myVar.content);
> Any idea about how to fix it ?
> Has someone already tested this kind of codeunderie6 ? Actually i'm
> using ie6 via Wine on Ubuntu and i was wondering if this bug only
> exists with my version of ie6.
> Thanks in advance.
> -Olivier

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