On May 29, 2008, at 8:48 PM, Roscoe wrote:

You might want to check this tutorial from CakeBaker:


jEditable.  I've included a code sample below.  Anything with 'opts.'
in front of it is a variable which can change from editable item to
editable item.    For a sense of scale I'm talking about anywhere from
20-50 items per page that might need to be editable in some way.  The
code below only shows it for a select version.

I am not familiar with PHP Cake. But just give all item you want to be editable some class. For example "editable". Then call Jeditable like this:

$(".editable").editable("url_to_post_to", {
        your_options: "here"

Has anyone attempted to use this on this kind of scale before?  Am I
perhaps approaching something the wrong way and making this too
difficult for myself?

It practically does not matter if you have 1 or 100 elements which are editable.


This syntax looks a bit weird to me. What is obj in this case?

Mika Tuupola

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