Managed to sort this out - I simply applied the sortable to an outer div 
(that wrapped my two list divs) and it works like a charm :)

Guy Fraser wrote:
> <div class="list" id="list1">
>    <div class="item">foo</div>
>    <div class="item">bar</div>
>    <div class="item">moo</div>
> </div>
> <div class="list" id="list2">
>    <div class="item">chimp</div>
>    <div class="item">fish</div>
>    <div class="item">marmoset</div>
> </div>
> I want to configure it so that if I drag an item within it's 
> containing list, it'll just do normal sortable stuff - this is easy to do:
> $('list').sortable({items:'.item'});
> But I also want to be able to drag stuff from one list to the other - 
> eg. drag "foo" from #list1 in to #list2
> And when I drag "foo" to #list2 I want to have the sortable effect 
> work so that if I drag it between "chimp" and "fish", then "fish" and 
> "marmoset" will move down to make room for "foo".

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