Upgrading is probably safe - it's the engine that'll be in jQuery 1.3.3.


On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 8:35 AM, swalke16 <swalk...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have a situation where I have some HTML I am selecting elements from
> using the ".class tag" selector combination using jQuery v1.3.2. I
> have noticed that in both IE8 and Firefox 3.0.10 this particular
> scenario is painfully slow to execute. From profiling in both browsers
> it appears that the Sizzle engine is making an *enormous* amount of
> calls to both the isXML and filter functions.
> If I upgrade the version of Sizzle to v1.0 then these selectors work
> incredibly fast as I would have expected. Profiling in both browsers
> reveals that the amount of calls to the isXML and filter functions
> come down from numbers around 80k+ to a few hundred.
> My specific example can be found here:
> http://grubersauce.com/walker/jquery_test.html
> Does anyone have any guidance as to why this would be so slow in
> jQuery 1.3.2 using the Sizzle v.0.9.3 engine?  Is it safe to upgrade
> the Sizzle version to v1.0 while using jQuery v1.3.2?

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