Can you show what your for loop currently looks like?

Answer for question #2:  using the ".each" method, a paramenter is
passed to the anonymous function that is the current 0-based index of
the item in the collection

without seeing your code, i will take a guess at helping you though

$("div[id^='defName']").bind("click", function() {
      var id = $(this).id.substr(7);
       $("#defValue" + id).fadeIn("normal");

On Dec 12, 3:25 pm, raskren <> wrote:
> I have a set of <div>s that are created using jQuery. My script sets
> an ID for each <div> and appends a counter variable to this ID.  For
> example, defName0, defName1, defName2, etc.
> Within the same for loop that generates the IDs I would also like to
> assign a jQuery function to the header.  However, it seems that I
> cannot select ANY jQuery objects from within a FOR loop.
> In the sample code below I have hardcoded the ID (rather than using
> "#defName"+[i] which doesn't work either).  If I stick these two lines
> in a FOR loop the function is not bound to the object and does not
> fire on click (even though it doesn't reference the counter variable
> used in the For loop).  If I pull this out of the loop it works as
> expected.
> $("#defName0").bind("click", function() {
>                 $("#defValue0").fadeIn("normal");
> My questions are twofold:
> 1. Obviously, how do I get this to work in a For loop, if at all?
> 2. What is the proper syntax to add a counter variable to a jQuery
> selector in a for loop?  Is it "#defName"+[i], "defName+[i]", or what?
> Thanks.

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