claudes, I recently modified the jCarouselLite plugin to take in a parameter for how many rows that you want shown when scrolling horizontal or columns when scrolling vertical. I am not sure the easiest way to get you the code so I am just going to paste it here.
(function($) { // Compliant with jquery.noConflict() $.fn.jCarouselLite = function(o) { o = $.extend({ btnPrev: null, btnNext: null, btnGo: null, mouseWheel: false, auto: null, speed: 200, easing: null, vertical: false, circular: true, visible: 3, start: 0, scroll: 1, rows: 1, //ADDED: Property to allow multiple rows beforeStart: null, afterEnd: null }, o || {}); return this.each(function() { // Returns the element collection. Chainable. var running = false, animCss = o.vertical ? "top" : "left", sizeCss = o.vertical ? "height" : "width"; var div = $(this), ul = $("ul", div), tLi = $("li", ul), tl = tLi.size(), v = o.visible; var rowCss = o.vertical ? "width" : "height"; //ADDED: rowCss is used to set the height/width of the viewport based on how many rows are showing if (o.circular) { ul.prepend(tLi.slice(tl - v - 1 + 1).clone()) .append(tLi.slice(0, v).clone()); o.start += v; } var li = $("li", ul), itemLength = li.size(), curr = o.start; div.css("visibility", "visible"); li.css({ overflow: "hidden", float: o.vertical ? "none" : "left" }); ul.css({ margin: "0", padding: "0", position: "relative", "list-style-type": "none", "z-index": "1" }); div.css({ overflow: "hidden", position: "relative", "z- index": "2", left: "0px" }); var liSize = o.vertical ? height(li) : width(li); // Full li size(incl margin)-Used for animation var liRowSize = o.vertical ? width(li) : height(li); // ADDED: size of the li's row var ulSize = ((liSize * itemLength) / o.rows) + (liSize / 1.5); // size of full ul(total length, not just for the visible items) var divSize = liSize * v; // size of entire div(total length for just the visible items) var rowSize = liRowSize * o.rows; //ADDED: gets the size in pixels of the height/width of the viewport li.css({ width: li.width(), height: li.height() }); ul.css(sizeCss, ulSize + "px").css(animCss, -(curr * liSize)); div.css(sizeCss, divSize + "px"); // Width of the DIV. length of visible images div.css(rowCss, rowSize + "px"); // ADDED: Height of the DIV //ADDED: special consideration for vertical carousels with multiple rows if (o.vertical && o.rows > 1) { ul.children().filter(function(index) { return ((index + 1) % o.rows > 0); }).css({ float: "left", width: "" }); } if (o.btnPrev) $(o.btnPrev).click(function() { return go(curr - (o.scroll)); }); if (o.btnNext) $(o.btnNext).click(function() { return go(curr + (o.scroll)); }); if (o.btnGo) $.each(o.btnGo, function(i, val) { $(val).click(function() { return go(o.circular ? o.visible + i : i); }); }); if (o.mouseWheel && div.mousewheel) div.mousewheel(function(e, d) { return d > 0 ? go(curr - o.scroll) : go(curr + o.scroll); }); if ( setInterval(function() { go(curr + o.scroll); }, + o.speed); function vis() { return li.slice(curr).slice(0, v); }; function go(to) { if (!running) { if (o.beforeStart), vis()); if (o.circular) { // If circular we are in first or last, then goto the other end if (to <= o.start - v - 1) { // If first, then goto last ul.css(animCss, -((itemLength - (v * 2)) * liSize) + "px"); // If "scroll" > 1, then the "to" might not be equal to the condition; it can be lesser depending on the number of elements. curr = to == o.start - v - 1 ? itemLength - (v * 2) - 1 : itemLength - (v * 2) - o.scroll; } else if (to >= itemLength - v + 1) { // If last, then goto first ul.css(animCss, -((v) * liSize) + "px"); // If "scroll" > 1, then the "to" might not be equal to the condition; it can be greater depending on the number of elements. curr = to == itemLength - v + 1 ? v + 1 : v + o.scroll; } else curr = to; } else { // If non-circular and to points to first or last, we just return. //ADDED: This determines when to stop scrolling when more than 1 row is viewable if (to < 0 || to > ((itemLength - v) / o.rows)) return; else curr = to; } // If neither overrides it, the curr will still be "to" and we can proceed. running = true; ul.animate( animCss == "left" ? { left: -(curr * liSize)} : { top: -(curr * liSize) }, o.speed, o.easing, function() { if (o.afterEnd), vis()); running = false; } ); // Disable buttons when the carousel reaches the last/first, and enable when not if (!o.circular) { $(o.btnPrev + "," + o.btnNext).removeClass("disabled"); //ADDED: This determines when to add the disabled class to the link when more than 1 row is viewable $((curr - o.scroll < 0 && o.btnPrev) || (curr + o.scroll > ((itemLength - v) / o.rows) && o.btnNext) || [] ).addClass("disabled"); } } return false; }; }); }; function css(el, prop) { return parseInt($.css(el[0], prop)) || 0; }; function width(el) { return el[0].offsetWidth + css(el, 'marginLeft') + css(el, 'marginRight'); }; function height(el) { return el[0].offsetHeight + css(el, 'marginTop') + css(el, 'marginBottom'); }; })(jQuery); I added comments starting with "ADDED" above or on the lines that I editted or added. Based on the first image in your post, try declaring the carousel like this: markup: <div class="CLASSNAME"> <ol> <li>CONTENT</li> <li>CONTENT</li> <li>CONTENT</li> </ol> </div> javascript: $(document).ready(function(){ $(".CLASSNAME").jCarouselLite({ vertical: true, scroll: 3, visible: 3, rows: 2 }); }); Let me know how that works out for you. -Tim On Oct 27, 6:13 pm, claudes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > i have the following designs (uploaded files better than words); using > jcarousel lite, i'm trying to achieve the gridded design and the carousel > motion (left/right) > > i tried modifying the math, but it still calculates the length incorrectly > and when i number the li to make sure that 1-6, 7-12, and 13-18 are the ones > displayed, i also noted that it wasn't pulling them in that order. > > i would like to keep each li separate instead of nesting another ordered > list within the li. is there a way to achieve this without having to go with > this "hack". the max number li for the image carouse is 18, and 9 for the li > with content > > my markup is: > ol > li (each list containing the image/content) > > and this is portion of the jcarousel js that i modified: > var liSize = o.vertical ? (height(li)*3) : (width(li)); // Full li > size(incl margin)-Used for animation > var olSize = (liSize * itemLength)/3; // size of > full ol(total length, not just for the visible items) > var divSize = (liSize * v); // size of > entire div(total length for just the visible items) > > animCss == "left" ? { left: -(curr*(liSize/2)) } : { top: -(curr*liSize) } , > o.speed, o.easing, > > thanks > > > -- > View this message in > context: > Sent from the jQuery General Discussion mailing list archive at