I commented out stuff and noticed that the menu is showing, it's
failing due to the z-index IE bug, staying behind page content in both
IE6 & IE7.

On Sep 9, 8:58 am, Jason Stanbery <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I will preface with the statement that I'm not a javascript super
> star.
> My drop down menu isn't functioning for either IE6 or IE7. In FF2 on
> Windows it works, acts a little funny sometimes, works fine on FF3 &
> Safari on Mac. If I was to guess, I would probably guess that the
> issue is in my customization of the style sheet though it appears drop
> down menus and IE aren't best friends.
> Link to site:http://flyartinc.com/newsite/
> Link to menu style sheet:http://flyartinc.com/newsite/styles/jquery.jdMenu.css
> Any help would be appreciated.

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