OK, so I have a work around.  I start off with an empty div with an ID
of 'modals'.  In my statusChange function, I added these two lines:

$('#modals').html('<div id="invitation" class="jqmWindow"></div>');

So it now looks like this:

statusChange = function(scope){
        $('.invited, .accepted, .declined',
                $('#modals').html('<div id="invitation" 
                var url = 'ajaxunited.lasso?
                url += $(this).attr('id');
                url += '&status=' + $(this).attr('class');
                $('#invitation').jqm({ajax: url}).jqmShow();

now the variable url matches the actual ajax call for the modal.

I'm not sure what causes this url variable to get 'stuck' in the modal
call.  If I knew what caused it to get stuck, maybe I could 'unstick'

On May 16, 8:53 am, Shelane Enos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok, so I explained what I'm trying to do below, in part.  I also have this
> function:
> statusChange = function(scope){
>     $('.invited, .accepted, .declined',
> scope).css('cursor','pointer').click(function(){
>         var url =
> 'ajaxunited.lasso?task=event&method=invitation&volunteer=';
>         url += $(this).attr('id');
>         url += '&status=' + $(this).attr('class');
>         console.log (url);
>         $('#invitation').jqm({ajax: url}).jqmShow();
>     });
>     }
> The problem I'm having is that the modal isn't using the new url after the
> status is changed the first time.  I have included the firebug output:
> //////// Console log of URL variable
> ajaxunited.lasso?task=event&method=invitation&volunteer=9e4bc236c3ab21e2&sta
> tus=declined
> /////// Firebug GET displays calling this URL variable
> GEThttp://urpdev.llnl.gov/admin/ajaxunited.lasso?task=event&method=invit...
> olunteer=9e4bc236c3ab21e2&status=declined (131ms)
> ////// Firebug POST shows the action occuring within the modal
> POSThttp://urpdev.llnl.gov/admin/ajaxunited.lasso
> //////// Console log of URL variable after statusChange has been called
> again to reflect changes by modal (see the status is now accepted)
> ajaxunited.lasso?task=event&method=invitation&volunteer=4cd0f4bd3a8fc7a9&sta
> tus=accepted
> /////// Firebug GET displays calling the first URL variable
> GEThttp://urpdev.llnl.gov/admin/ajaxunited.lasso?task=event&method=invit...
> olunteer=9e4bc236c3ab21e2&status=declined (135ms)
> SO, jqModal isn't reflecting the new URL.  How can I make sure this is
> cleared after the first time to make sure it gets the right one  the second
> (third, fourth, etc) time?
> On 5/15/07 9:45 AM, "Shelane" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have a page with a list of volunteers for an event.  Their "status"
> > is displayed as to whether the have not received an invitation
> > (class="invite"), they received an invitation and haven't responded
> > (class="unknown"), they accepted the invitation (class="accepted"),
> > they declined the invitation (class="declined").  These are displayed
> > as images with the volunteer's ID as the id of the image.  I have
> > successfully attached a click event to send the invitation when none
> > has been sent (class="invite"), (no modal).
> > I want to attach a modal to each of the other classes to allow the
> > administrator to manual set the status.  So it would pull up a dialog
> > of choices.  To the URL, it must pass in the ID of the volunteer in id
> > of the image, and a couple of other "known" parameters.  Then the
> > modal may or may not read the "invitation message" on the main page
> > (if resending the invitation).  Clicking on one of the three options
> > needs to send the results back to the server.
> > So, I've read through the documentation and I'm a little lost of what
> > I need to do.
> > I want to assign the modal dialog
> > <div id="invitation" class="jqmWindow"><img src="/admin/images/
> > purplegirlkickball.gif" width="90" height="90" /></div>
> > To all images with a class of unknown.
> > $(function(){
> > $('.invited').css('cursor','pointer').click(function(){
> >     var url = 'myserverpage.lasso?task=event&event=1&volunteer=';
> >     url += $(this).attr('id');
> >         $('#invitation').jqm({ajax: url, trigger: $(this)});
> >     });
> > });
> > Am I going about this the right way?  Any gotchas I should know about
> > with this approach.
> > Thanks
> > (this is my first attempt as using any modal)

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