Good news. See

"So what was announced at jQuery Conference regarding the jQuery project?
3. Announced a revamped and simplified plugin repository. This is jQuery
teams number one priority and is targeted to for release by end of year.

- Richard

On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 7:49 PM, JMan <> wrote:

> Is it just me or does anyone else have the hardest time finding
> plugins on the site?
> jquery is an awesome library and I do not plan on using anything else
> anytime soon but the manner in which they catalog plugins on the site
> is terrible. I know these guys are capable of much better.
> Ok so you can choose a plugin category but then everything just runs
> together on that page. The content displayed for each plugin varies
> wildly depending on how generous the plugin developer was when they
> added their contribution.
> The plugin search seems to search through all the pages and their
> content and the results you get back are pretty vague at times and in
> many cases you get back duplicates. For example if you search for menu
> you may get back a bunch of links to pages that have the word menu in
> them but the page may not be a menu plugin.
> The Taxonomy is not too bad but I think they should categorize and sub
> categorize the plugins a little better.
> A great example of what is needed in the extensions directory at
> Even if you just list the plugins more like a product
> catalog with a link to the main plugin page stuff would be allot
> easier on the eyes.
> I know the jquery community has alot of great code to offer but
> discovering it in the plugins section of is quite painful.
> I am not trying to upset anyone here but jquery and it's plugin
> directory has outgrown the Drupal/CCK limitations.

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