I think you can do this.  Ping me tomorrow at scott AT pando DOT com with
more detail to see if what you're trying to do is something I've recently


On 7/10/07, Jack Killpatrick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I ended up giving up (for now) and switched to using thickbox for the
modal, but would rather use jqModal for this. FWIW, I don't want to
embed the ajax stuff that the modal needs to do in the parent page,
because the functionality is something that can be opened from any page
in the site, so I want it to be contained in the code for the modal that
is opened.

- Jack

Jack Killpatrick wrote:
> Hi All,
> Anyone know if it's possible to make ajax calls from inside a jqModal
> popup window that was loaded via ajax? I have code like this:
>    $(document).ready( function() {
>        $('#userSwitcher').hide();
>              $('#userSwitcher').jqm({
>            trigger:'a.jqmTrigger',
>            ajax:'/pos2/purchase/quick_change.cfm',
>            target:$('#users'),
>            modal:true,
>            onShow:function(h){
>                h.w.show();
>            }
>        });
>    });
> <a id="aUserSwitcher" href="##" class="jqmTrigger">Switch</a>
> <div id="userSwitcher" class="jqmWindow"
> style="width:600px;height:500px">
>    <div id="users"></div>
> </div>
> and have included jqModal.js and jqModal.css in the calling page, then
> in the quick_change.cfm file I'm doing additional ajax calls:
>        var url = something.html
>        $.get( url, function(template){
>            etc....
> but that $.get() never fires AND the userSwitcher div loads up real
> quick, then the whole page goes white and goes nowhere: it just spins.
> Bug? Is this possible via jqModal? I'm pretty sure I had something
> like this working with the thickbox plugin a few months ago, but the
> jquery.com site was down earlier tonight when I went fishing for the
> latest code to try to use, so I tried using jqModal.
> TIA,
> Jack

Scott Trudeau
scott.trudeau AT gmail DOT com
AIM: sodthestreets

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