If I understand correctly, yes it is.

Use the form plugin to post the form data then in the callback call
the onclick of the link.

Form plugin:

Sample code:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/shared-scripts/
<script type="text/javascript" src="/shared-scripts/jquery.form.js"></
<script type="text/javascript">
        $(function() {
                $("#mySubmit").click(function() {
                        $("#myForm").ajaxSubmit({success: postComplete});
                        return false;

        function postComplete() {
                alert("Going to " + $("#myLink").get(0).href + "now. Bye bye!");
                document.location = $("#myLink").get(0).href;

<form action="temp.cfm" id="myForm">
        <input type="text" name="somefield" />
        <input type="submit" id="mySubmit" />

<a href="http://www.adrianlynch.co.uk/"; id="myLink">Now a jQuery


On Oct 24, 1:13 pm, urmo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Is it possible to open file after posting data via $.post()?
> Example i have form and submit link:
> <form>
> <input name="test" value="1">
> </form>
> <a href="#" onclick="openPDF()">
> And i have function:
> function openPDF(){
> var url = some url;
> var posts = some kind of serializeArray(); //posting values
> now, here i need to post my form data to my url and next i want to see
> pdf. Is it possible?
> }

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