As far as I can tell you have to manually add the desired extra
variables to the url query string, like so:

                url:'ajax_fileUpload.cfm?createpoloroid=' + $
("#createpoloroid").val() + '&createmedium=' + $
                dataType: 'json',
                success: function (data, status)

Good luck...

On Apr 17, 6:27 am, "Chris Davies" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, I am trying to pass multiple form fields to the ajax_fileUpload.cfm page
> with no success.  Is it possible to send a list of form ID's as I am trying
> below?
> $.ajaxFileUpload
>         (
>             {
>                 url:'ajax_fileUpload.cfm',
>                 secureuri:false,
>                 fileElementId:*'fileToUpload,createpoloroid,createmedium',*
>                 dataType: 'json',
>                 success: function (data, status)
> Thanks!

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