The demo is not too functional. Elements don't scroll (at least in
Elements here do rearrange when adding/removing. The option lazy
should do.

Could you fix w/e needs to be fixed so that the problem does arise ?
Note that you don't need line #34 of the pastie.
That could actually mess it all up once it works.


Ariel Flesler

On Dec 12, 3:19 am, vanstee <> wrote:
> Please take a look at my code. if you want
> to look at a functioning copy go 
> to
> Even when setting the 'lazy' attribute to true in the parameters, when
> you delete one of the cards (items) from the list it still exists as
> empty space in the list. To view what I am explaining go to the
> webpage and click the x on one of the cards. Then cycle through the
> list. When scrolling to the item after the one we deleted there will
> be an intermediate scroll to a blank area between the two cards. This
> is the first time I've used this plugin so it may be a simple problem
> with how I've set it up. Any guidance would be greatly apprecated.
> Thanks in advance.

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