Brandon, thanks for the help!   My problem was first that my div was
relative to a containing div instead of the body.  I knew this
couldn't have been so difficult!

Thanks a bunch.

On May 9, 3:10 pm, "Brandon Aaron" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You will want to use the offset method to find the top and left values
> of the image and then position the div absolute with those values. The
> offset is calculated from the top, left of the document ... so your
> div will need to be positioned relative to the body tag. Now for the
> code.
> var offset = $('#customer_code img.ico').offset();
> $('#myDiv').css(offset);
> The offset method returns an object with top and left properties. You
> can pass that object directly into css to set the values.
> Let me know if I can help clear anything else up!
> --
> Brandon Aaron
> On 5/9/07, Paul Malan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm sure the dimensions plugin is far less complicated than I think it
> > is, but I'm sick of fighting with it to figure this out.  The visual
> > demo in the svn repository is way over my head.
> > I have several status icon images that may be hidden or visible
> > depending on system state.  I need to display a status balloon (much
> > like what you see in Windows XP when you plug in a USB device) next to
> > these icons.
> > Essentially, if I have an image $("#customer_code img.ico"), how can I
> > use the dimensions plugin to position another div relative to this
> > image?
> > Thanks for any help...

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