[jQuery] Re: Superfish Bug - Mouseout in FF does not work over input

2009-03-12 Thread parastatic
i have the same problem. mouseout over input-element not working in ff3 ... my code: $( #nav_list li).hover(function(){ $(this).addClass('hover'); $(this).find('ul:first').css({visibility: visible,display: none}).show(0); },function(){

[jQuery] Re: Superfish Bug - Submenu Opens In IE 8 On Page Load (Joel Birch)

2009-01-12 Thread johny why
resolved, by reverting to the version of hoverIntent.js which is bundled with Superfish. Joel Birch, author of superfish, recommends upgrading to the version below, but the script below caused the incorrect behavior i describe at the top of this thread. http://plugins.jquery.com/project/hover

[jQuery] Re: Superfish Bug - Submenu Opens In IE 8 On Page Load (Joel Birch)

2009-01-12 Thread johny why
this is in vertical mode

[jQuery] Re: Superfish bug in IE 6

2008-03-03 Thread Joel Birch
Hi Brian, It looks like having position:fixed on the body element is causing the problem. IE6 doesn't like position:fixed - looks like you may have to rethink that. Superfish bug... naah! ;) Joel Birch.

[jQuery] Re: superfish bug?

2007-11-23 Thread fr0sty
Hello Joel, Thanks for your reply and your quick fix, everything works like a charm now! :) Regards Arjan

[jQuery] Re: superfish bug?

2007-11-16 Thread Joel Birch
Hi Arjan, Thanks for the bug report - I found that it happens in both IE6 and IE7. This was such a bizarre thing - I still have no idea why or even how it possibly could occur, but I seem to have found an ugly but effective fix for it which I have added to the latest version of Superfish (now