
You say it's organised like the my navbar example but also say it has
three levels. The navbar example demonstrates the pathClass feature
which works well for two level menus, but I have never attempted to
use it on menus that have more levels than that so you are heading
into uncharted territory I think.

That said, it seems like your immediate issue is getting an "active"
class onto the middle tier li element. I guess you could simply add
something like this inside your "document ready" block:

$('ul.nav li.active li.active').parents('li:first').addClass('active');

That will add the class "active" to the middle level li that Joomla
neglects. Let Superfish know to use the class "active" for the
pathClass by adding this to the options object:
pathClass : 'active'

Once that is done, hopefully you will be closer to the result you
want, but as I said, I have not attempted to use pathClass with a
three-tiered menu so I can't be sure. Good luck - please let us know
how you went.

Joel Birch.

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