After playing during a while, and reading through a lot of posts, I got that:
It works a little nicer, but il still kinda freezes when hovered too fast.

         $('#producttabs ul li').each(function(){
if (!$(this).children('a:nth-child(2)').hasClass('over')) $(this).children('a:nth-child(2)').hide().addClass('over'); $(this).children('a:nth-child(2)').addClass('over').hide().fadeIn('fast', function(){$(this).animate({height: '113px'},'fast').dequeue()}).dequeue(); },function(){ if ($(this).children('a:nth-child(2)').height() != '94px') $(this).children('a:nth-child(2)').animate({height: '94px'},'slow', function(){$(this).fadeOut('fast').dequeue()});


Olivier Percebois-Garve wrote:
Hi list

I am trying to make nice effects on hovering tabs. I have a working animations, but it break when the menu is hovered too fast, and fire the follow error if firebug : "this.parentNode has no properties --> this.parentNode.removeChild( this );" I guess there is some "collision" occuring, things being animate whilst being removes by an event fired by another tab or so. I would like to know if it is possible to control the execution of the animation step after step.

         $('#producttabs ul li a').hover(function(){
//animate and remove the hover state from other tabs $('#producttabs ul li a').filter('.flasher').animate({height: '94px'},'fast', function(){ $(this).remove()});
                       //creat a copy of the tab
                        //animate the copy of the tab
$(this).next().hide().addClass('flasher').addClass('over').fadeIn('fast').animate({height: '115px'},'fast');



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