if i do an alert() with the response just before i update the content
of the div, everything works fine...

On Jul 22, 1:58 pm, Daniel <> wrote:
> Hi everybody!
> I want to update the contents of several divs periodically with the
> response i get from a php-script. the number of divs is changing
> depending on what the user has chosen before. i store the variable
> part of the ids in a hidden input field. this input field may look
> like this:
> <input type="hidden" name="devices" value="1,2,3,4,5,6,7">
> to do this task periodically i use setIntervall():
> <script type="text/javascript">
>         // dies stellt sicher, dass updateDivs() erst ausgeführt wird, wenn
> die ganze seite geladen wurde
>         $(document).ready(function() {
>             updateDivs();
>             // wenn die seite komplett geladen ist, soll die progress-
> bar verschwinden
>             $("#hide_me").hide();
>         });
>         setInterval("updateDivs()", 5000);
> </script>
> and the Code of the updateDivs() function:
> <code>
> function updateDivs()
> {
>     $($("[name=devices]").val().split(","))
>     .each(function(){
>         var handler_url = 'devices_handler.php';
>         var devID = this;
>         var randomNumber = Math.random();
>         // DATEN-Abfrage mit ajax-queue
>         var monValues = $("#mon_" + devID).val();
>         var getValuesParams = {
>             "do":"1",
>             "de":devID,
>             "mo":monValues,
>             "rand":randomNumber
>         }
>         $.ajax({
>             type: "GET",
>             cache: false,
>             url: handler_url,
>             data: getValuesParams,
>             async: false,
>             success: function(response){
>                 //alert(response);
>                 $("#dev_" + devID).html(response);
>             }
>         });
>     });}
> </code>
> Now the Problem:
> The only browser who behaves as expected is Firefox 3.x - he flushes
> the response after every ajax-request to the corresponding div ( .html
> (response) ). All the other browsers are not updating the contents of
> the divs until all the responses are available (although i execute the
> request with async=false), and then they update all the divs (ids
> dev_1 to dev_7) at the same time... but for me it would be necessary
> that the other browsers behave like Firefox 3.
> Does anyone have an idea? I would really appreciate it :-)
> Thanks!
> Daniel

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