Writing a custom remote method is currently not supported. You'd have
to copy the existing remote method. Instead, try to put the local
custom validation into its own method, and use the remote method in
addition, for the same field:


On Wed, Aug 26, 2009 at 2:38 AM, Jan Limpens<jan.limp...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> my forms are all css class based validated. Now I need to check some on them
> serverside, so I overload the regular validation methods (or is there a
> better way?).
>     jQuery.validator.addMethod("date", function(value, element) {
>         var preValid = this.optional(element) ||
> /^\d\d?\/\d\d?\/\d\d\d?\d?$/.test(value);
>         if (!preValid)
>             return false;
>         $.getJSON(urlDefs.validateDate + "?date=" + value, function(data) {
>             var result = data.Data;
>             // what can I do with this result?
>             // how can I set element valid?
>         });
>     }, jQuery.validator.messages['date']);
> I might be doing something wrong...
> I know there is a remote({}) method, but how could I use it from there? It
> might work less asynchronously, thus easier...
> --
> Jan

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