Oddish wrote:
I just upgraded the validation plugin to 1.0 final from beta 2 and now
I get this on one of my forms:

Error: jQuery.validator.getLength is not a function

The line where the error occurs is the second of the three lines

jQuery.validator.addMethod("validPhoneNr", function(value, element,
param) {
        return /^\+{0,1}[\d\- ]+$/.test(value) ||
jQuery.validator.getLength(value, element) == 0;

Does anyone know if this function has changed or been replaced?
Its scope has changed, just replace "jQuery.validator" with "this":

jQuery.validator.addMethod("validPhoneNr", function(value, element, param) {
        return /^\+{0,1}[\d\- ]+$/.test(value) || this.getLength(value, 
element) == 0;

To make that method optional, eg. more useful in combination with required:

jQuery.validator.addMethod("validPhoneNr", function(value, element, param) {
        return this.required(element) || /^\+{0,1}[\d\- ]+$/.test(value) || 
this.getLength(value, element) == 0;

Jörn Zaefferer


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