You don't actually /need/ a plugin to do this - browser support for the
CSS :hover psuedo class is 100% (IE supports it all the way back to
pre-5.5 days). Unless, of course, you're talking about something like
what's under "More Top Stories." In which case you also don't really
need a plugin to do that either. I do something not-dissimilar here
[1], attaching a mouseover event to my links and doing simple image
swapping based on the class (the link and image have the same class,
making it easier).
My guess is that you could use the hoverIntent plugin to make it less
jumpy, use a fast fade-in animation to make it appear smoother, and then
just not have an onmouseout function so that the image remains.
Good luck,
On 5/16/2009 8:16 AM, Armand Datema wrote:
I am looking for a module that can do image and title bars mouseover,
so hver over the linek and the phot changes. I remember seeing it
womewehre just dont know what its called anymore