Hi, all!

i'm a recent jQuery convert (but by no means a noob programmer) and
i'm INCREDIBLY impressed with the library. i'm working on an
application for prototyping board game designs (a hobby of mine) and i
have a question about how to do one thing in jQuery:

How do i permanently remove items from the DOM *and* jQuery object? i
am aware of jQuery(..).remove(), but the docs for remove() say:

"This does NOT remove them from the jQuery object, allowing you to use
the matched elements further."

This "feature" [snide comment removed] causes me to have to jump
through some hoops in my code to set the matched DOM object IDs to
null so that i won't pick them up in later queries.

My application (prototype) is available here:


And you can see what i need a "real" remove feature for by doing this:

a) double-click one of the graphics of the little men (top-most
graphics on the page).
b) click the "remove all pieces" button (at the top of the page).

(b) removes all pieces from the game board, but (in theory) those
pieces (<img> elements) are still in the jQuery internal list. i want
to remove them from that list permanently. But how?

Many thanks for your time,

----- stephan beal

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