
I'm receiving the following error:
Error: uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: #

However all the functionality of the script continues to work, I need
to get rid of the error as it looks pretty bad on client's sites and
want to make sure the script isnt doing anything funny.

The basic set up is a number of Select boxes, When selecting an option
in the select boxes, I loop through a JSON stock array to see if the
item is in stock and to then enable / disable the relevant options in
the other selects based on the stock record.

The error (as far as I can see) appears on this line:
 $("#option" + nextid + " option").filter(function(){

but it seems to work fine.

The following script is on the change event of the selects:

// Get the next Select's id
                  var thisorder = $(this).attr('rel').substr(0,$
                  var next = $(this);

                      if( $(this).attr('rel').substr(0,$(this).attr
('rel').indexOf('|')) == (parseInt(thisorder) + 1)) {
                         next = $(this);

                      if ($(this).attr('rel').substr(0,$(this).attr
('rel').indexOf('|')) > thisorder){
('selected', 'selected').parent('select');

                  var nextid = $(next).attr('id').replace

                  // If not chosen the [Choose] option..

                    // Disable all the items in the next select apart
from [choose/none]

                        // Check each of the stock records
                        for(i=0; i<data.stock.count; i++){

                             // For each of the selects get the option
id and item id

                                var optionid = $(this).attr
                                var itemid = $(this).children

                                curritemid = data.stock[i].items

                                if(curritemid != itemid){
                                    qty = 0;
                                    stockitem = 0;
                                    return false;
                                    stockitem = data.stock[i].items
                                    qty = data.stock[i].qty;

                            if (stockitem!==0) {
                                 // Enable the item based on the
current stock record, and the next selects id
                                $("#option" + nextid + "




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