
I have what seems a simple problem, but it's somehow not working out. Here's the problem:

   $(".pastebinLink a").livequery(function(){
     $(this).bind('click', function(el){
         url:  this.href,
         type: 'post',
         success: function(results, status) {
       return false;

The (X)HTML looks like this:

<td class="pastebinLink">
  <a class="modal" href="/pastebin_items/14266/edit">
<img class="viewButton" src="/images/spacer.gif?1210022683" alt="Spacer"/>

And the stuff returned from the Ajax post looks like:

<a href="/pastebin_items/14275/edit" class="modal"><img alt="Spacer" class="viewButton" src="/images/spacer.gif?1210022683" /></a>

What I expect is that on success everything inside the <td> should be replaced with the new stuff from the server. What am I missing?

Thanks (he says missing something obvious :)

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