Hi John
I set up your menu so its as close to the one from Adobe as I could, given my meager knowledgebase. Adobe http://www.whatbird.com/wwwroot/Components/Accordion%20Menu.html Resig http://www.whatbird.com/wwwroot/Components/Accordion%20Menu_Resig.html There are two things missing from Resig I would love to see. Maybe others won't care about these. 1. Adobe changes color when you click on the accordian, and gives it focus. That's a nice thing. Click outside and it loses focus and goes page to the default colors. 2. I could not figure out how to use other easing effects, which would make it more flexible. I do see how to control the duration. I moved the css into an external sheet along with the JS. Regardless you have created an amazing plug in and I urge you to continue to work on it. I've looked at a ton of accordions and this one makes the others look like dark stuff that smells funny. The official jQ accordian is the pits IMHO. Mitch