I have a table where every other row is collapsed (using .toggle).  I
want to sort on the visible rows, but the sort, of course, sorts the
hidden rows as well...the result is that the hidden rows may not
longer be associated with the same "parent" row.

Here is a snippet:

<table id="aSortableTable">
  <th>tortable column 1</th><th>sortable column 2</th>

<tr id="toggle1"><td>main row 1<td>main row 1 column 2</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan = 2>desc. for main row 1</td></tr>

<tr id="toggle2"><td>main row 2<td>main row 2 column 2</td></tr>
<tr><td colspan = 2>desc. for main row 2</td></tr>

  Is there any way to tell the table sorter how to manage this?  I
need the table to sort on the main rows, but keep the description rows
"paired" with their respective parent row.

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