Hi -

I'm trying to use the excellent star rating plugin from fyneworks
(http://www.fyneworks.com/jquery/star-rating) with a rails project I'm
working on.  I'm running into a bit of an issue that I wonder if
anyone else has seen.

Typical names of form fields in a rails app look something like this:


which I suspect is causing an issue with this plugin.  If I leave the
form as generated by rails, with names like above, then the mouseout
and click events don't behave properly.  mouseout doesn't remove the
stars the way it should, and clicking on a star only highlights the
star you clicked on, instead of all the stars before it also.

If I manually hack the form names to be regular names, like "myfield"
instead of "mymodel[myfield]" then it works perfectly, but of course
then rails won't process my form correctly because the names aren't

Has anyone else run into this kind of problem?  Any solutions anyone
can think of?  I tried going through the plugin code, but I'm afraid
my jQuery-fu isn't where it needs to be to spot the problem.

Any help is greatly appreciated.....thanks!

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