
I try to integrate Superfish menu into Joomla 1.5. But no luck. :
( Perhaps I don't understand the principles. Maybe someone can help?
I made some articles and made menu (using mainmenu mod from joomla).
No CSS, just default.
Downloaded and installed superfish mod for joomla 1.5. Enabled it,
disabled main menu - no luck. Menu looks like default. I've chosen nav-
bar style - also no luck - menu unchanged.
Made google search - all info is about enabling superfish in page
header. It's enabled in modules. Do I have to manually enter some code
for enabling superfish? Where? In documentation - it's written - You
have to have a WORKING drop down meniu. So, it means - superfish just
adds some features (as animation and so on)??? If I just need a nav-
bar style menu, I can make it simply with css and I don't need
Can someone explain me where I'm wrong or how to enable superfish?
Thank You beforehand.

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